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It all starts with a conflict between two kingdoms. Between Idellea, a prosperous and fairly peaceful kingdom, though still a force to be reckoned with, and Atalos, which has been on a path of conquest in recent history, turning more into an aggressive, expanding Empire.


Idellea, however, is where the story takes place.


While they’ve had trouble with them in the past, relations have been tentatively neutral with Atalos for a while now. However, it is a general certainty that things won't remain so forever, and thus it seems to be a concern on everyone's mind. It's the main topic of discussion for most council meetings with the King, important figures having different opinions and different interests at stake when it comes to how to deal with it. Some advocate for war, others for an alliance.


Recently, an older religious ideal has been brought on to the argument. Basically, it deems that Kings are meant to honor the Gods as warriors, made to protect their realm with their own blade, to conquer, to expand. Queens, on the other hand, mean peace, they are meant to understand, negotiate, bridge gaps and the like.


Following such a school of thought, some say he King should declare war and march against Atalos. But then, the King is not as young as he once was, so the future of the Kingdom will soon enough be in the hands of his daughter. Those pushing to make an alliance thus defend that her marrying one of the younger Atalos Princes is what should be done, as making a strong alliance is clearly her destiny! It’s why the Gods gave the King a daughter in the first place!


The Princess, personally, though willing to do so, does not believe Atalos will not attempt to seize control anyway, as they do not have the same laws nor traditions as them. Ultimately, she wants the decision to be made for the right reasons, not because of old, vague teachings. Of course, when she advocates such to her father, pretty soon someone cries she is disrespecting their culture...then someone else interrupts accusing the other guy of disrespecting her by speaking out of turn, and then it all just devolves into chaos.


That is until one man who is generally quiet, being of a much lower standing than most people there, speaks up, and drives everyone silent with a single declaration: "The Princess is not the King's first child".


As it turned out, many years ago, before he was married, the King had met and soon spent some lovely nights with the man's sister (a Lady of a small noble house) before they parted with, they thought, nothing more than fond memories between them. When months later she had a child, she refused to abandon it, and told no one who the father was...except, eventually, her brother, who she swore to secrecy.

However, with the fate of Idellea at stake, the man decided could keep such a secret no longer.


There was total disbelief, of course. Threats thrown around at the man for trying to besmirch the good King’s name. Then, there was shock, when the King, rather than indeed punishing him for such insolence, actually demanded the boy the man claimed was his son be brought to him.


Days later, no one was more dumbstruck than the young man himself, when the King proclaimed he was, indeed, his son. He insisted upon legitimizing him and that he move from where he came, for he was a Prince, and the castle was his home.


And so, a whole new can of worms was opened. The King neither changed nor clarified anything in regards to who was his heir. The Queen was clearly not amused. The young man's mother's family, the one that had given him the cold shoulder all his life, was suddenly extremely interested, along with many others. On the other hand, plenty began to look at him as an enemy, standing by the Princess being the true heir, as he was born out of wedlock, he was not the Queen's child.

So, who is the rightful heir?


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